
Do I Need Amd Catalyst Control Center

The ATI Catalyst Control Center (CCC for short) is the user interface for the ATI Catalyst Drivers and the replacement for the legacy ATI Control Panel. The Goad Control Center works on all ATI graphics cards and is constantly being refined by ATI to include new features. ATI Catalyst Control Center (Now called AMD Catalyst Control Center) is a device driver and utility software package for ATI/AMD line of video cards.

ATI Catalyst Control Center

ATI Catalyst Control Center

There are several ways to access the ATI Catalyst Command Heart.

You can go to Start > Control Panel and double-click on Display to open the Display Properties box, then click Settings > Avant-garde > Catalyst Control Center and click the ATI Catalyst Command Center push button to launch information technology.

Alternatively, you can right-click on an empty area of the Windows Desktop and select it from the top of the context carte du jour, or use the 'CCC' shortcut placed in your Start > All Programs > Catalyst Control Heart menu (or on your Desktop).


The starting time time y'all open the CCC you lot will exist asked if you want to use Basic or Advanced view. The basic view is just for extremely novice users and non-gamers and does not comprise the majority of the settings required to optimize and configure your Catalysts.

In the standard view, the Display manager offers only the most of import settings. A wizard is available to help select the desired settings.


If yous wish to apply a range of keyboard shortcuts for diverse functions of the CCC, yous can assign them by clicking the Hotkeys button at the peak of the Control Heart and selecting 'Hotkey Manager'. This opens the Hotkeys Manager box, under which you lot can edit hotkey combinations for item functions. Note that the 'Enable Hotkeys' selection must be ticked for Hotkeys to work.


If you want to employ dissimilar graphics card settings in different circumstances, the profiles pick might come in very handy. Click the Profiles push and select the 'Profiles Manager' to bring up the Profiles Manager. You tin can save all your electric current Control Center settings nether as many profiles as you like past inbound a profile name in the box under 'Enter or select a contour proper name', and so click the Salvage push button. However, you can cull which detail settings are saved in the profile, and how they tin can be applied.


When you click the Preferences button, you volition detect several other options which are covered below:

Ever On Top – As the name implies, if ticked, this selection forces the ATI Control Eye to always remain on top of all other windows when open up.

Hibernate Tooltips – Tooltips are the small grey popup boxes that appear every fourth dimension you highlight a particular setting or option in the ATI Command Heart. These requite brief descriptions of each setting. If they annoy you, you can tick this option to remove them.

Hide Toolbar Text – If unticked, this option gives each of the five buttons at the height of the ATI Command Center a text label, such as 'View' and 'Preferences'. If ticked, the buttons remain but their text volition be removed

Hide Splash Screen – If ticked, you volition not see the 'ATI Catalyst Control Middle' small intro screen/box which appears earlier the CCC existence opened.

Enable Organisation Tray Menu – The System Tray menu is another grade of quick access to the ATI Command Center. You can remove it by unticking this option, However, if yous really must use it, leave a tick here to ensure it loads into memory every time your organisation starts up and appears in your system tray area.

Select Language – If selected, brings up a language option box, where you tin can choose the language used for all ATI Control Heart interface text.

Select a Skin – If selected, brings up the Skin Select Class box, which allows you to choose a new "skin" (graphical appearance of the dialog boxes) for the ATI Goad Control Center. You can choose whichever suits your taste. Some skins may take upwards slightly more retention, but the entire Control Center takes upwards so much retention.

Restore Factory Defaults – Selecting this option volition restore all the default settings for the Control Center. Information technology is good to use it if yous run across a lot of bug and desire to return to defaults settings to showtime from scratch

Promise this postal service provides you with a basic noesis of how to to use the ATI Catalyst Control Center!

Related post: How to find out which Graphics Carte yous accept.

Do I Need Amd Catalyst Control Center,


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